Category Archives: Child Custody
What you need to know about child custody
What factors are considered when child custody is determined during divorce? Most often, the needs of the children and their best interests are the main focus of a judge overseeing a Texas divorce. Parents do have the right and option to work together on a child custody agreement, but ultimately, the court will have… Read More »
How co-parents can break down communication barriers
When it comes to co-parenting, communication is key. However, if it seems like you struggle to communicate with your ex, you are not alone. In fact, science proves that men and women inherently communicate differently, which can lead to misunderstandings and conflict. While women tend to communicate through discussing emotions, problems and options, men… Read More »
Are you co-parenting with a narcissist?
Although the outcome of divorce in the long run is often positive, in the beginning, it can be filled with negativity. This is especially true if your spouse has a tendency to be negative or has a narcissistic personality. If you have a narcissistic ex-spouse, you may be dealing with someone that is highly… Read More »
What rights do grandparents have in Texas?
Grandparents play a crucial role in the lives of many children in Texas. In many cases, grandparents take over caring for grandchildren when the child’s parents cannot or do not want to take care of the child themselves. Unfortunately, Texas law does not afford grandparents the legal standing to ask for child custody… Read More »