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Category Archives: Divorce


Major Pitfalls for Pro Se Litigants in Divorce Cases

By Lindamood & Robinson, P.C. |

Some people mistakenly believe that they do not really need a lawyer to get their divorce finalized. They may be hoping to save some money or they may be thinking a lawyer will slow down the process, so they opt to represent themselves (i.e. pro se). This is a big mistake you should avoid…. Read More »

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Fighting Over Your Furry Friend in Divorce

By Lindamood & Robinson, P.C. |

Most people associate bitter custody disputes and arguments over which parent will be awarded full custody of a child, or children. However, in some cases, divorcing couples will get into similarly heated arguments over custody of a pet such as a dog, cat, turtle, etc. This is understandable since, to many people, pets are… Read More »

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Can You Be Charged with Kidnapping Your Own Child?

By Lindamood & Robinson, P.C. |

In divorce and child custody proceedings, a parent may not take their child, or children, and leave the State of Texas without the consent of the court and the other parent. Even if you are the child’s biological parent, if you try to flee with your child, it could be grounds for kidnapping charges…. Read More »

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Tips on How to Protect Your Credit During a Divorce

By Lindamood & Robinson, P.C. |

It is quite common for someone going through a divorce to encounter financial strain and difficulties. There may be missed bills as you and your spouse are divesting from your joint accounts, you may have to spend a significant sum on renting a place and moving out, or there may be financial decisions made… Read More »

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Child Custody Disputes and Drug Testing

By Lindamood & Robinson, P.C. |

When the custody of your children is a main point of disagreement, either party may file a motion seeking to have the other party tested for drugs.  Why a Texas Divorce Court May Grant a Drug Test Motion There are multiple reasons why drug testing may be ordered during a divorce, but the biggest… Read More »

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Are Wedding and Engagement Rings Marital Property?

By Lindamood & Robinson, P.C. |

According to WeddingWire, the average cost of an engagement ring is over $4,700. They determined this amount after analyzing the cost of engagement rings for 6,000 couples, according to Bustle.com. According to an Emory University study, the larger the amount spent on an engagement ring is actually associated with a higher divorce rate. The… Read More »

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How Divorce Affects College Savings Plans in Texas

By Lindamood & Robinson, P.C. |

Savings accounts such as a college savings plan (e.g., Texas Tuition Promise Fund and the Texas College Savings Plan) are divisible assets just like bank accounts or mutual funds. Why? Because Texas is a “community property” state. This means that any property acquired by you or your spouse during the course of the marriage… Read More »

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Discovering Undisclosed Assets After a Divorce

By Lindamood & Robinson, P.C. |

You went through the stress and anxiety associated with the divorce process. You disclosed all of your assets and liabilities and were able to get your divorce finalized. Six months later, you discover your spouse had an offshore bank account that was not disclosed or mentioned throughout the entirety of the divorce proceedings. What… Read More »

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How Much Is a Divorce Lawyer in Houston Going to Cost?

By Lindamood & Robinson, P.C. |

How Much Is a Divorce Lawyer in Houston Going to Cost? One of the most frequently asked questions by prospective clients looking to retain a Houston divorce lawyer is, “how much will this cost me?” This is a perfectly reasonable question to ask, especially given the stressful and uncertain dynamics associated with a divorce…. Read More »

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Divorce After 50? What You Need to Know

By Lindamood & Robinson, P.C. |

Many people are aware that the divorce is fairly high throughout the nation. Indeed, in Texas, there were approximately 4.7 divorces per 1,000 Texans, according to the Texas Office of Court Administration. In terms of the national numbers, the trends indicate that second and third marriages have a much higher divorce rate relative to… Read More »

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