Category Archives: Divorce
Gray Divorces in Galveston
The term “gray divorce” refers to divorces that occur between spouses who are over the age of fifty. Not only do gray divorces involve a particular set of issues, the Chicago Tribune reports that between 1990 and 2013 the number of gray divorces doubled. Gray divorces present a unique set of circumstances: usually these… Read More »
Ways To Show A Former Spouse Is Living With Someone
In Texas and every other state, the law states the the payment of spousal support ends when one of several events occur, including death, remarriage, and cohabitation, or when a spouse begins living with someone else. Courts in Texas have long heard cases and denied individuals who have commenced living with another the right… Read More »
Essential Steps To Take Before Filing For Divorce
Divorce is difficult in several ways. Many individuals say that the divorce is one of the most difficult processes they have ever faced. When it is time to initiate a divorce, many people have a difficult time ensuring that all proper steps are made before filing for divorce. It is likely that if someone… Read More »
How Divorce Affects Social Security Benefits
Besides child custody, spousal support, and property division, Social Security benefits can also be substantially impacted by the terms of a divorce. The most important rule to understand regarding divorce is that for marriages that lasted ten years or more, the lower earning spouse can be eligible for Social Security retirement benefits based on… Read More »
Potential Financial Mistakes To Avoid During a Divorce
There are approximately 100 divorces every hour in the United States. Divorcing couples, however, often fail to consider many short and long-term ways that divorce can impact their financial future. Many couples feel compelled to rush through these substantial financial decisions simply to end a marriage as quickly as possible. It is important, however,… Read More »
How to Avoid Having Politics Ruin Your Marriage
Election season is approaching. As the presidential election grows nearer, listening to this advice has become more important than ever. It would be foolish to think that even married couples agree on every issue regarding politics. To prevent any major arguments that lead to divorce this election season, it is recommended that couples utilize… Read More »
Houston Divorce Lawyers Discuss Common Mistakes During A Divorce
In 2014, the United States Census Bureau reports that there were 813,862 divorces in the country. One smart thing for individuals going through a divorce is to learn from the mistake made during these divorces. While statistics reveal that the summer months are actually one of the lowest periods for divorce during the year,… Read More »
Back to School Strategies for Divorced Parents
School will start up sooner than some parents think. Even CNN reports that for school, August is the new September. So as each summer progresses, divorced parents often make plans regarding the upcoming school year. School is substantial and plays a significant role in affecting a family’s physical, financial and emotional circumstances. Parents should… Read More »
Joint Tax Returns for Divorcing Couples
Americans pay over a trillion dollars each year in taxes. As a result, couples are always looking for advantages and ways to pay the least amount of taxes possible. Filing status is determined as of the last day of the calendar year. As such, individuals are considered unmarried for the whole year if on… Read More »
Steps to Take Regarding Technology During a Divorce
The United States Census Bureau reports that that 83.8 percent of United States households reported computer ownership. Seeing as a New York Times’ investigation reveals that 40 some percent of couples may divorce, technology is likely available to many of these couples. During a divorce, there remain certain techniques that couples should utilize to… Read More »