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Category Archives: Divorce


Divorce Capital of Texas

By Lindamood & Robinson, P.C. |

Bonham, Texas, has the dubious honor of holding the highest divorce rate percentage in Texas, and among the highest in the nation, at nearly 19 percent. This divorce rate was a five-year average and included only couples whose divorce had become final at the time of the study. Splitting Assets  Texas law declares any… Read More »

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How the New Tax Laws Will Affect Your Divorce

By Lindamood & Robinson, P.C. |

When Congress passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in 2017, they made changes that went into effect this year. With that said, there are a few additional things that you need to take into consideration if you are thinking about getting a divorce. This is particularly true if you think that alimony will… Read More »

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How Are Issues Resolved When a Divorce is Still Pending?

By Lindamood & Robinson, P.C. |

Regardless of why you and your spouse have chosen to get a divorce, you may feel like your world is coming to an end. However, life goes on. You have to go to work, take care of the children, and do the other duties that you did before everything changed. These things can be… Read More »

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What Does the Texas Family Code Say About Holiday Visitation?

By Lindamood & Robinson, P.C. |

With the holidays approaching, it is important to remember what the Texas Family Code says about divorces and holidays. While parents are allowed to make other arrangements if they have been approved by the court, there is a standard approach that the state of Texas takes to handling holidays after a divorce. This approach… Read More »

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Why You Might Want to Consider Mediation If You’re Facing Divorce in Texas

By Lindamood & Robinson, P.C. |

If you are considering divorce, you have likely thought about all of the difficulties and issues that might arise as a result. One of the things that you might not have considered is that if you end up in court, all of your so-called “dirty laundry” could end up getting aired to the public…. Read More »

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Can Divorce Orders Be Modified in Texas?

By Lindamood & Robinson, P.C. |

If you’ve been through a divorce, you know how much work and effort goes into creating the Final Decree of Divorce. From the moment the Petition for Divorce is filed until the final moment where you go before the judge to finalize your divorce, the process requires patience and a strong will, not to… Read More »

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How Domestic Violence Can Affect Child Custody in Texas

By Lindamood & Robinson, P.C. |

When it comes to child custody proceedings, everything comes out of the closet, so to speak. Even mental and physical abuse that happens behind closed doors will almost always be brought to light in the courtroom. This type of abuse, called domestic violence, may affect who will receive primary custody of the children. Depending… Read More »

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What is the Difference Between a Divorce and Separation in Texas?

By Lindamood & Robinson, P.C. |

A divorce is a dissolution of a marriage and a legal separation is a court-recognized separation where the couple stays married but divides assets, child custody, etc. While the state of Texas doesn’t recognize legal separations, there are steps that can be taken with the court to protect the rights of both parties while… Read More »

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Are You or Your Former Spouse Planning a Move with Your Child?

By Lindamood & Robinson, P.C. |

When parents go through a divorce, it’s not unusual for one, or even both, spouses to move to another city, state, or country. The problem is that when children are involved and one of the parents wants to bring the children with them, that child may be bound by a child custody order from… Read More »

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Are All Texas Fathers Guaranteed Legal Rights to their Children?

By Lindamood & Robinson, P.C. |

Families are made out of all sorts of situations, which is why Texas has laws that address the many different shapes and sizes of families in the state. This includes families where the parents are unmarried and have children. When married parents have a baby, the law automatically recognizes both parents as legal parents,… Read More »

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