Category Archives: Property Division
How do Texas courts treat alimony?
As you may have heard, Texas courts treat alimony or spousal maintenance somewhat differently from the courts of other states. Texas is one of the most restrictive states when it comes to spousal maintenance awards. In fact, under Texas law there is a rebuttable presumption that spousal maintenance should not be ordered. In order for… Read More »
Why is divorce among baby boomers booming?
Baby boomers have been a trailblazing generation in many areas, including divorce. Between 1990 and 2010, the divorce rate doubled among the 50 and older demographic, which means that unlike generations past, the baby boomers are not hesitant to leave unhappy marriages, even if it’s later in life. Sociologists have been studying the trend… Read More »
Why high-asset divorce is different
Divorce typically isn’t an easy process no matter who you are. That’s because you not only have to deal with the legal and financial consequences of divorce, you also have to deal with the emotional effects divorce had on yourself and your family. But in high-asset divorce cases the stakes are, well, even higher…. Read More »