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Lindamood & Robinson, P.C Lindamood & Robinson, P.C
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Galveston County Divorce Modification & Enforcement Lawyer

All divorce decrees contain specific information related to child custody, child support, visitation, and spousal maintenance. While these provisions are considered permanent, courts are willing to modify them under certain circumstances. At the law firm of Lindamood & Robinson, P.C., we help give our clients the information they need to modify or enforce an existing divorce decree, so if you or a loved one lives in Galveston County and has questions or concerns about a custody arrangement, please contact one of our experienced Galveston County divorce modification & enforcement lawyers to schedule a consultation.

Establishing that a modification is appropriate can be difficult, so if you are considering relocating, have changed employment, or have undergone another major life change and you believe that your existing divorce decree has become unfair or unworkable, please contact the law firm of Lindamood & Robinson, P.C. and we will help explain your legal options.

Modification by Agreement

If a child’s parents agree that a modification would be in the best interests of the child, they can commit their agreement in writing and then submit it to the court for approval. However, if the parents are unable to agree, the party requesting modification will need to establish that the circumstances of one or both of the parties, or of the child, have substantially or materially changed enough to justify modification. Some of the most common examples of substantially changed circumstances include:

  • Relocation;
  • Change in income;
  • Remarriage; and
  • Loss of employment.

During the final hearing, each party will be able to present evidence to support their case, including:

  • Witness statements;
  • Photographs;
  • Documentation;
  • Video; and
  • Expert testimony.

The judge will then evaluate the specific facts of the case as well as the evidence provided before deciding whether modification is appropriate.


Divorce decrees contain specific requirements for the payment of child support or spousal maintenance. If one party refuses to adhere to these requirements, the wronged party can ask a court to enforce the agreement and hold the violator civilly and even criminally responsible. Courts are permitted to withhold income, place the violator on probation, and suspend his or her personal and professional licenses as part of the enforcement process.

We also recognize that in some situations, a parent and former spouse may be falsely accused of failing to pay child support. Even if the allegations are baseless, it is still important to respond to the request for enforcement as a failure to do so can have serious repercussions. At Lindamood & Robinson, P.C. we have represented those seeking enforcement of a divorce decree  as well as individuals who have been falsely accused of failing to pay child support. Whatever your situation, it is important to seek the advice of a lawyer before taking legal action.

Contact a Galveston County Divorce Enforcement Lawyer

Sometimes circumstances change, making the terms of a previously appropriate divorce decree impossible to follow. In Texas, family court judges understand this and are willing to modify existing agreements regarding child support and visitation if sufficient evidence can be presented in court. Courts are also aware of the damaging effects of a party’s refusal to pay child support or spousal maintenance and will take drastic steps to enforce court-ordered agreements. To learn more about modifying a divorce decree, or for legal help in enforcing an agreement, please contact the law firm of Lindamood & Robinson, P.C. by calling 713-654-2112 or by completing one of our standard contact forms.

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