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Houston Divorce Lawyer > Galveston County Family Lawyer > Galveston County Split Custody Lawyer

Galveston County Split Custody Lawyer

When determining a custody arrangement, judges focus primarily on the child’s best interest. Generally, courts find that it is in the best interest of most children to have access to both of their parents. This is not always the case, however, and in some situations courts are willing to grant split custody. Split custody refers to a situation where a separating couple has more than one child and as part of the custody agreement they each have primary physical access to one or more of those children. These arrangements are relatively rare due to the state’s presumption of joint custody.

If you are considering a divorce and you and your spouse have children, it is important to obtain the advice of a trustworthy Galveston County split custody lawyer who has experience in dealing with custody matters involving multiple children. At Lindamood & Robinson, P.C., we work hard to provide clear answers to your questions and concerns about custody arrangements and visitation rights.

Split Custody

In one of the more common forms of split custody, courts arrange for a couple’s male children to live with the father, while the female children reside primarily with the mother. Courts usually only take this route when the children are mature enough to assert a legitimate preference for living with one parent over another.

In other scenarios, one parent retains custody of the older children and the other parent is granted custody of the younger children. Finances can also play a role in the decision to order split custody. For instance, if a couple has a lot of children, it may be unreasonable to expect one parent to provide monetary support for all of them at the same time. Even in these situations, courts are wary of splitting up siblings and so instead allocate child support in a manner that allows the custodial parent to continue to care for the children. However, if one or more of the children suffer from a disability, courts may be more willing to consider split custody, especially if one parent is better equipped to handle the child’s special needs.

Except in unique situations, courts usually attempt to avoid splitting up a couple’s children during a divorce. This is in large part due to concerns that splitting up siblings would only contribute to the general upheaval they are experiencing. More often, split custody decisions are agreed upon by the parties outside of court through mediation.

Modifying Custody Agreements

With the passage of time, many custody arrangements that were previously fair and workable become impractical or impossible to follow. Texas courts recognize this and will modify custody agreements if one of the party’s circumstances have changed significantly, or if it is in the child’s best interests. If your custody arrangement has become unworkable, it is important to see a lawyer who can help you navigate the legal process required to officially modify the agreement.

Contact a Galveston County Split Custody & Parenting Lawyer

If you are attempting to create a custody arrangement with your former spouse and have questions about the differences between split custody, joint custody, and sole custody, please contact one of the experienced child custody lawyers at Lindamood & Robinson, P.C., by calling 713-654-2112.

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