Starting a New Relationship During Your Divorce – Important Considerations

When you and your spouse decide to get divorced, you may be tempted to start dating and even begin a new relationship. However, while your divorce is pending, a good rule of thumb is to hold off on dating or diving into a new relationship with a significant other since the presence of a new love interest can impact the outcome of your divorce, and your life post-divorce.
Below is a list of some important considerations if you find yourself looking to re-enter the dating pool during the pendency of your divorce:
Legally, You are Still Married
It is important to understand that, until your divorce is final, you remain legally married to your spouse. This means if you commence dating someone while your divorce is pending, it could be viewed as being unfaithful, especially if your divorce has to be litigated and presented to a jury.
Emotional Reaction by Your Spouse
A relatively congenial divorce can become contentious very quickly if, or when, your spouse learns you are dating someone new. Remember, divorce is an emotional event for both you and your spouse. When they learn you are starting to move on with your life, it can create emotions of pain, anger, and even jealousy. This creates the risk that they will intentionally try to complicate settlement negotiations and fight about certain issues like division of certain marital assets.
Your New Love Interest Could Be Placed Under the Microscope
If you are involved in an intimate relationship with a new individual, your spouse could try to place your new love interest under the microscope and impute any issues they may have to you. For example, if you are a parent and custody of your children is being contested, the background of your new love interest could impact your custody rights. If, for example, your significant other has a criminal record, that fact could influence whether the court awards you, or your spouse, full custody. This is because any individual who will be around your child, or children, for an extended period of time, is subject to being investigated during the pendency of your divorce.
Have Questions? Contact a Houston Divorce Lawyer Today
If you remain committed to moving forward with a new relationship, it is highly recommended that you consult with your Houston divorce lawyer so they can help come up with a strategy and are prepared if this issue arises during the divorce proceedings. If you do not have a divorce lawyer yet, it is important to retain experienced and skilled legal counsel to assist you during the divorce process. That is why it makes sense to contact the law firm of Lindamood & Robinson, P.C. Our team is comprised of experienced Houston divorce lawyers. We know the Texas legal system and resolved cases via settlement or via jury trial. We are ready and able to assist you during this emotionally challenging time in your life. Contact our office to schedule an in-person consultation.